FAQ Category: Enrollment

What is the total tuition cost?

For comprehensive tuition price information and to explore some very exciting options, please visit . 2022/2023 College Tuition page.

Is there a minimum age for students to enroll in the college program?

There is no official minimum age to enroll in any USILACS degree program. USILACS’s enrollment qualifications are based on prior education and experience, not on age. Many students earn Classroom Learning Credits (CLC) through the HESEAP program based on education and experience received prior to enrollment at USILACS; however, all students are required to take […]

How do I transfer credits from college and classes already taken?

All prior learning and experience, whether gained at a college, through personal experience or study, or in the workplace, is evaluated and awarded by the USILACS HESEAP Review Committee through the HESEAP application. Note: Regardless of the number of transfer credits accepted, students are required to validate actual knowledge by passing a final exam in […]

What if I did not graduate from High School or do not have access to my High School or GED diploma?

You will be required to take a High School Equivalency exam prior to your enrollment in our college program.  Please visit https://usilacs.org/high-school-equivalency-exam/ for more information. High School Equivalency Course and Enrollment Requirements This course is designed to confirm, through examinations, that students possess the academic skills of a high school graduate. The system includes four […]