HESEAP® Credit Evaluation Program

Earn the credit you deserve!

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Saves Time

USILACS's online programs, in conjunction with the HESEAP program, enable students to significantly reduce the time required in physical classrooms while pursuing their degrees.

Saves Money

Intellectually gifted, educated, or highly experienced students may qualify for Classroom Learning Credits (CLC) in a significant number, and in certain exceptional instances, all of their 40 courses. Tuition fees are completely waived for any courses for which a student receives CLC credit.

Awards Classroom Learning Credits

The HESEAP® Review Committee diligently evaluates the complete and documented prior education of each student, which includes formal education, heutagogy, on-the-job training, Continuing Education Credits (CEC), among other factors, along with prior or current experiences in work, military, and volunteer roles, as well as any accolades received. Eligible students will be granted transfer or Classroom Learning Credits (CLC).


Students have the flexibility to study online at any time, day or night, from their preferred location. Whether one is at home, school, a café, or even at the beach, access to a laptop or another suitable device is all that is required.

Our HESEAP® Credit Evaluation Program is the only program of its kind.

HESEAP allows students to have their academic education and experience verified and certified. Qualified students drastically reduce the cost and time required to complete their college degree program.

What is HESEAP®?

HESEAP® stands for “Higher Education Skills Equivalency Accreditation Program.” This system is based on the internationally recognized Philippine ETEEAP educational assessment program. Within the framework of HESEAP, a student’s documented and verified prior education and experience undergo a rigorous evaluation process and, where applicable, are credited toward CLC “Classroom Learning Credits.”

How are CLC “Classroom Learning Credits” determined?

Through an extensive application and verification process, the HESEAP Academic Review Committee thoroughly evaluates the candidate’s prior knowledge, skills, education, experience, awards, and achievements pertinent to a specific course or field within USILACS’s academic programs. Applicants are required to furnish comprehensive and well-documented evidence of their previous education, experience, awards, and other relevant activities. Transcripts, course catalogs, and syllabi are employed to assess prior education. The Committee meticulously compares this information against the learning outcomes expected from a standard college course. Applicants must provide sufficient details and documentation to enable the Committee to accurately assess their knowledge and experience in relation to a college-level course. Transfer credits for courses completed at other colleges or universities are also evaluated and awarded through the HESEAP program.


How is HESEAP® different?

This distinctive proprietary program employs equivalent competency standards, a rigorous assessment system, and integrated evaluation methodologies to assess the student’s prior college-level education and experience. Based on this comprehensive evaluation, qualified students are awarded Classroom Learning Credits (CLC). Any award of CLC credits effectively reduces the required in-classroom time for graduation.

What HESEAP is and What HESEAP is Not

HESEAP should not be mistaken for traditional or online education, as it fundamentally differs from these formats in numerous ways. HESEAP is neither a degree program nor an educational program designed to provide instruction. Instead, HESEAP is a “credit for prior education and experience” program.

Students who lack the requisite prior education and experience to qualify for Classroom Learning Credits (CLC), or who are unable to pass the final exam for a course, do not qualify for HESEAP. 

How does it work?

HESEAP should not be mistaken with traditional or online education, as it fundamentally differs from these formats in numerous ways. HESEAP is neither a degree program nor an instructional program. Instead, HESEAP is a “credit for prior education and experience” program.

Students who lack the requisite prior education and experience to qualify for Classroom Learning Credits (CLC), or who are unable to pass the final examination for a course, do not qualify for HESEAP. Such students must enroll in standard college courses to fulfill their academic objectives.

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