EDU1133 Discipline in School

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EDU1133 Discipline in School

This course will help students advance their knowledge and skills essential for creating a classroom environment that fosters effective teaching and learning. Students will explore a brief history of education and discipline, gaining insight into how these concepts have evolved over time. The course will provide practical discipline techniques that can be applied when needed while also offering strategies to minimize discipline problems before they arise.

Throughout the course, students will deepen their understanding of the various types of classroom disturbances and learn how to assess these disruptions to support students better. By the end of the course, students will begin to develop their own approach to managing classroom behavior effectively and proactively.

 Key Topics Covered

  • Amass Knowledge Related to Present Research on Teaching Methods and Instructional Enhancement: Gain insight into current research focused on teaching methods and strategies for improving instructional quality and effectiveness in the classroom.
  • Magnify Understanding of Techniques to Enrich Instruction: Explore various techniques and approaches designed to improve the instructional process and create a more dynamic learning environment.
  • Heighten Awareness of Theories of Effective Classroom Management: Study the critical theories behind successful classroom management and how they contribute to a productive learning atmosphere.
  • Express Understanding of Issues Impacting the Diverse Needs of Students: Develop an understanding of the various factors affecting students’ needs in the classroom and how to address them effectively.
  • Foster Student Learning Through Effective Classroom Management: Use classroom management strategies that promote student engagement and create a conducive learning environment.
  • Create a Classroom Supervision System Using Progressive Behavior Interventions: Design a classroom management system incorporating behavior interventions and support systems to encourage positive behavior.
  • Recognize Challenges Associated with Special Needs in the Classroom: Identify specific challenges related to working with children with special needs and how to adjust teaching methods and management strategies to meet those needs.

Full-CLC Students

Based on your HESEAP application, you have been awarded full CLC for this course, classifying it as a test-out course, meaning no traditional instruction will be provided. Your CLC award signifies that you possess knowledge, whether gained through prior education or experience, equivalent to or surpassing what would typically be learned in a traditional college setting. Consequently, classroom attendance is not required; however, you are required to successfully pass a final exam for the course.

USILACS remains committed to fostering your academic success. Should you find a refresher necessary or wish to deepen your understanding of the subject, it is recommended that you explore a variety of free online educational resources on the suggested topics below.

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Search Topics: Publications/Videos/Papers

The majority of the exam questions for this course are based upon information contained in the below search topics.

 Please note that USILACS is not the source of the above links; therefore, we do not have control over their accessibility. Some links may no longer be active, and in such cases, we encourage you to copy and paste the title into Google or YouTube to find an alternative source. Should you encounter an inactive link, feel free to contact our academic team at for assistance or to notify them so the link can be updated.

Occasionally, the links may prompt you to download reference material in PDF format. While we have made every effort to ensure the safety of the sources, we encourage you to take precautions to verify the security of any downloads on your device.

Although comprehensive study materials have been provided, you can search for the topics and titles on Google and YouTube if additional resources are needed.

Tips for Success
Remember that the exams are open-book, meaning you can keep reference materials open in other tabs for easy access during the exam. Some reference materials are extensive, with hundreds of pages. To quickly find answers, follow these steps:

  1. Choose a keyword or phrase from the exam question.
  2. Open the reference material.
  3. Press ‘Ctrl’ + ‘F’ on your keyboard to open a search bar.
  4. Enter your keyword or phrase and click search. This will display all instances of that word or phrase within the document, allowing for more efficient navigation.