COU3121 Counseling III

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COU3121 Counseling III

This course will explore various therapies used in the treatment of mentally ill patients, focusing on the history of treatment approaches and the institutions dedicated to mental health care. Students will gain a deeper understanding of the psychological symptoms associated with mental and emotional disorders while learning about the counseling process. Key procedures and goals of community mental health will also be examined alongside methods used by scientists to evaluate the effectiveness of different treatment approaches.

Students will explore the prevalence and main characteristics of certain disorders, emphasizing understanding the psychological and biological factors that contribute to these conditions. The course will also cover the genetic, biological, and environmental influences on mental disorders and the critical role that stress plays in their development. Lastly, students will gain insights into the nature of psychophysiological disorders and how these conditions manifest.

Key Topics Covered

  • Learn the Focus of Humanist Therapy: Understand the fundamental principles of humanist therapy, emphasizing personal growth, self-actualization, and empathy in treating mental health issues.
  • Be Introduced to Psychological, Biomedical, and Social Approaches: Explore the psychological, biomedical, and social approaches to treating mental and emotional disorders and how each contributes to overall mental health care.
  • Understand the Definition of Pathological: Gain clarity on the term “pathological” and how it relates to abnormal mental health conditions.
  • Become Familiar with the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM): Study the DSM, its role in diagnosing mental disorders, and its significance in the field of mental health.
  • Review the Diathesis-Stress Model and Its Importance in Psychopathology: Learn about the diathesis-stress model and how it helps explain the interaction between vulnerability (diathesis) and environmental stress in developing psychological disorders.
  • Summarize Which Types of Therapy Are Most Effective for Which Disorders: Understand the specific types of therapy best suited for treating various mental health disorders.
  • Explain the Advantages of Group Therapy and Self-Help Groups: Discover the benefits of group therapy and self-help groups as effective treatment options for certain psychological conditions.

Full-CLC Students

Based on your HESEAP application, you have been awarded full CLC for this course, classifying it as a test-out course, meaning no traditional instruction will be provided. Your CLC award signifies that you possess knowledge, whether gained through prior education or experience, equivalent to or surpassing what would typically be learned in a traditional college setting. Consequently, classroom attendance is not required; however, you are required to successfully pass a final exam for the course.

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Tips for Success
Remember that the exams are open-book, meaning you can keep reference materials open in other tabs for easy access during the exam. Some reference materials are extensive, with hundreds of pages. To quickly find answers, follow these steps:

  1. Choose a keyword or phrase from the exam question.
  2. Open the reference material.
  3. Press ‘Ctrl’ + ‘F’ on your keyboard to open a search bar.
  4. Enter your keyword or phrase and click search. This will display all instances of that word or phrase within the document, allowing for more efficient navigation.